
Important Information

LooksRare provides the API free of charge and asks that you give attribution to LooksRare on your platform (website or app) in return.

There should be a link to LooksRare from the NFTs or relative data that you display from the LooksRare API.

Please refer to Brand, Logos & Usage page for images that you can use for LooksRare attribution.

LooksRare reserves the right to revoke or restrict API access if the above terms are not adhered to.

General FAQs

What is the default rate limit?

The default rate limit is set to 120 requests per minute per IP address.

What chains are available via the API?

Mainnet: https://api.looksrare.org/api/v2/

Sepolia: https://api-sepolia.looksrare.org/api/v2/

Do I need an API key?

Any request on mainnet requires an API key. Requests on Sepolia do not require an API key.

Is there a cache on the API?

Yes, we currently have a 10-second API cache in place.

Can I request a higher limit?

It is possible to request a higher rate limit; however, this process requires additional information, and further requirements must be met for the request to be successful. It is highly unlikely that we will provide higher rate limits for applications still under development.

To request a higher limit, please see Can I contact LooksRare about the API?

Can I create listings through the API?

Yes, you can create listing via the Public API (see https://looksrare.dev/v2/reference/createorder). An API key will be required on mainnet.

How can I obtain an API Key?

Please see Can I contact LooksRare about the API?

Does LooksRare have an SDK?

Yes, we provide an SDK to enhance the developers' experience.

LooksRare SDK v2: https://github.com/LooksRare/sdk-v2

Can I contact LooksRare about the API?

Yes, we are always happy to help. We have a Developers Discord available at https://discord.gg/LooksRareDevelopers