Get collection information

The GET /collections endpoint data field returns a Collection object if the provided address matches a collection in our database or null if no collection matches the provided address.

Get collection information successful response schema:

  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "data": Collection | null

Collection object schema:

Field NameField TypeDescription
addressstringThe collection address.
ownerstringThe collection owner.
setterstring | nullThe collection setter, if applicable.
adminstring | nullThe collection setter, if applicable.
namestringThe collection name. If none set, it will default to looks-lost.
descriptionstring | nullThe collection description.
symbolstring | nullThe collection symbol.
typestringThe collection type. Can be either ERC721 or ERC1155.
websiteLinkstring | nullThe collection website URL, if set.
facebookLinkstring | nullThe collection Facebook URL, if set.
twitterLinkstring | nullThe collection Twitter URL, if set.
instagramLinkstring | nullThe collection Instagram URL, if set.
telegramLinkstring | nullThe collection Telegram URL, if set.
mediumLinkstring | nullThe collection Medium URL, if set.
discordLinkstring | nullThe collection DiscordURL, if set.
isVerifiedbooleanSet to true if the collection is verified.
Set to false if the collection is not verified.
isExplicitbooleanSet to true if the collection is explicit.
Set to false if the collection is not explicit.
logoURIstring | nullThe collection's logo image hosted on our CDN.
bannerURIstring | nullThe collection's banner image hosted on our CDN.

Get collection stats

The GET /collections/stats endpoint data field returns a CollectionStats object if the provided address matches a collection in our database or null if no collection matches the provided address.

Get collection stats successful response schema:

  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "data": CollectionStats | null

CollectionStats object schema:

NOTE: All the data this endpoint provides is only related to the LooksRare marketplace.

Field NameField TypeDescription
addressstringThe collection's address.
countOwnersstringThe number of wallets with at least one asset from the collection.
totalSupplystringThe total amount of assets from the collection.
floorPricestringThe collection's floor price.
floorChange24hstringThe collection's floor price percentage change in the last rolling 24 hours.
floorChange7dstringThe collection's floor price percentage change in the last rolling 7 days.
floorChange30dstringThe collection's floor price percentage change in the last rolling 30 days.
marketCapstringThe collection's market cap floorPrice * totalSupply.
volume24hstringThe collection's volume of sales in the last rolling 24 hours.
average24hstringThe collection's average sale price in the last rolling 24 hours.
count24hstringThe collection's number of sales in the last rolling 24 hours.
change24hstringThe collection's change in volume of sales in the last rolling 24 hours.
volume7dstringThe collection's volume of sales in the last rolling 7 days.
average7dstringThe collection's average sale price in the last rolling 7 days.
count7dstringThe collection's number of sales in the last rolling 7 days.
change7dstringThe collection's change in volume of sales in the last rolling 7 days.
volume1mstringThe collection's volume of sales in the last rolling 1 month.
average1mstringThe collection's average sale price in the last rolling 1 month.
count1mstringThe collection's number of sales in the last rolling 1 month.
change1mstringThe collection's change in volume of sales in the last rolling 1 month.
volume3mstringThe collection's volume of sales in the last rolling 3 months.
average3mstringThe collection's average sale price in the last rolling 3 months.
count3mstringThe collection's number of sales in the last rolling 3 months.
change3mstringThe collection's change in volume of sales in the last rolling 3 months.
volume6mstringThe collection's volume of sales in the last rolling 6 months.
average6mstringThe collection's average sale price in the last rolling 6 months.
count6mstringThe collection's number of sales in the last rolling 6 months.
change6mstringThe collection's change in volume of sales in the last rolling 6 months.
volume1ystringThe collection's volume of sales in the last rolling 1 year.
average1ystringThe collection's average sale price in the last rolling 1 year.
count1ystringThe collection's number of sales in the last rolling 1 year.
change1ystringThe collection's change in volume of sales in the last rolling 1 year.
volumeAllstringThe collection's all time volume.
averageAllstringThe collection's average sale price of all time.
countAllstringThe collection's total number of sales.

Get top 5 listing rewards collections

The GET /collections/listing-rewards endpoint data field returns an array of objects, each corresponding to one of the top 5 listing rewards collections.

Get top 5 listing rewards collections successful response schema:

  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "data": ListingRewardCollection[] | null

ListingRewardCollection object schema:

Field NameField TypeDescription
collectionCollectionThe collection object (see Collection Schema)
volume24hGlobalstringThe collection's OpenSea volume of sales in the last 24 hours.
pointsnumberThe collection's listing reward points that can be earned in a snapshot.
floorGlobalstringThe collection's floor price across LooksRare and OpenSea.