Get token information

The GET /tokens endpoint data field returns a Token object if the provided combination of collection and tokenId matches a token in our database or null if no token matches the filters provided.

Get token information successful response schema:

  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "data": Token | null

Account object schema:

Field NameField TypeDescription
idnumberThe token's unique identifier across all tokens stored in our database.
collectionAddressstringThe token's collection address.
tokenIdstringThe token's id.
tokenURIstring | nullThe token's metadata URI.
imageURIstringThe token's image URI. It will be a valid URI only if the token's metadata have the image field set correctly.
isExplicitbooleanSet to true if the token content is explicit.
Set to false if the token content is not explicit.
isAnimatedbooleanSet to true if the token content is animated.
Set to false if the token content is not animated.
flagstringAn internal flag to related to the asset content. It can be se to NONE (standard), NO_IMAGE, TRIAGE (under assessment).
namestringThe token's name set in the metadata. If none set, it will default to looks-lost.
descriptionstring | nullThe token's description set in the metadata.
collectionCollectionThe collection object (see Collection Schema)
attributesAttribute[]The attribute object is detailed below.

Attribute object schema:

Field NameField TypeDescription
traitTypestringThe token's trait type as defined in the metadata.
valuestringThe token's trait value as defined in the metadata.
displayTypestring | nullThe token's trait display type as defined in the metadata.
countbigintThe amount of assets with the specific trait.
floorOrderOrderThe order object of the cheapest listing for the specific trait (see Orders Schema)